Friday, October 30, 2009

Emgergence - Model

The power of the SMALL

Photo from Ilan Kelman

Smallness. The power of the small to generate the impossible?  There are times when 'smallness' gets you to places that larger objects can’t reach. 

the SMALLNESS of things?

What does SMALL or being SMALL means? 

small (smôl)

adj. small·er, small·est 
1. Being below the average in size or magnitude.
2. Limited in importance or significance; trivial: a small matter.
3. Limited in degree or scope: small farm operations.
4. Lacking position, influence, or status; minor
5. Unpretentious; modest: made a small living; helped the cause in my own small way.
6. Not fully grown; very young.
7. Narrow in outlook; petty: a small mind.
8. Having been belittled; humiliated: Their comments made me feel small.
9. Diluted; weak. Used of alcoholic beverages.
10. Lacking force or volume: a small voice.


1. smallness - the property of having a relatively small size littleness

2. smallness - the property of being a relatively small amount

3. smallness - the property of having relatively little strength or vigor 

4. smallness - lack of generosity in trifling matters

Definitions from thefreedictionary